Photonics Focus vol. 5 issue 3

May/June 2024 | Vol. 5 | Issue 3

This issue of Photonics Focus explores some of the most significant and timely developments in astronomical instruments, including advances in astrophotonics, asteroid-hunting probes, and great leaps forward in laser communications, as well as the emergence of amateur telescope builders in the early 20th century, and their technological contributions during the Second World War and beyond.

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Telecoms technology is the new adaptive optics in astronomy
Cosmic connections: Telecoms technology meets astrophotonics
Spacecraft have been visiting asteroids, gathering data that could even help prevent a strike
Hunting asteroids: Remarkable missions to rocky remnants of the solar system
Skilled amateur astronomers contributed to US defense throughout the first half of the 20th century
How amateur telescope makers helped defend America
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