2009 SPIE Women in Optics Planner

If you want to help 'shape the future' a career in optics and photonics is worth exploring. Many of the challenges the world faces in energy, health and the environment may be solved with the help of this exciting technology. Your imagination and energy is just what's needed. Women in Optics 2009 Planner

Those of us already working as optics and photonics professionals need to do what we can to encourage and mentor students and other young researchers so that their energy and ideas can be applied to solving the world's problems. The women profiled in this planner have done just that by sharing what they do and what inspires them; they are introducing a myriad of career opportunities available in the optics and photonics field, and, they are shaping our future.

Prof. Maria Yzuel
University Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
SPIE 2009 President