Executive Director
The Optical Society of America (OSA)
Washington, D.C.
Country of origin: USAWhat I do.
I advance OSA's mission through the oversight of the strategic direction and fiscal soundness of programs and activities of the Optical Society. OSA serves the optics and photonics community through its publications, conferences, education programs, and multimember activities and benefits. In addition, I oversee the OSA Foundation's outreach and fundraising efforts.
What I find exciting.
I had little exposure to this community before I was hired to help run operations at OSA. It's quite an extraordinary place. The members, volunteers, customers, and staff are incredibly talented. The accomplishments in this field have had an important impact on our lives and in the world, and continue to do so. I'm proud to be a part of it.
What I wish someone had told me.
I wish I knew that Jarus Quinn would retire within the year! I left the performing arts industry 16 years ago to work for OSA because of Jarus. He was smart, challenging, and creative, plus had a great sense of humor. We have continued to stay in touch. He was the first of many incredible people I've been fortunate to meet in this community.