Proprietor, Kidger Optics Associates
Crowborough East Sussex, England
Country of origin: EnglandWhat I do.
My late husband and I founded Kidger Optics Ltd in 1982 to supply the optical community with PC based optical design software with my self as Managing Director. Upon the death of my husband Michael in 1998 I formed and undertook the Proprietorship of Kidger Optics Associates, a consultancy in optical design. Since 2002, I have been the software sales distributor for Optical Research Associates in the UK and Ireland. Beginning January 2009, I will take up my new appointment as Optical Research Associates' European Events Consultant. In 1999 I founded along with much community help, the Michael Kidger Memorial Scholarship, which is currently in its 10th year of annual scholarship awards.
What I find exciting.
For more than twenty-five years in the optical design business, I have very much enjoyed the interaction with the international optical design community. Along with Andy Wood of Qioptiq, I find particularly exciting the organization and management of the Annual UK Optical Designers Meeting. Since the formation of the annual Kidger Memorial Scholarship, I have had the pleasure, and indeed the excitement, of announcing the award to each new Kidger Scholar. A telephone call to the new scholar and the scholar's reaction when told of the award is extremely rewarding.
What I wish someone had told me.
Surrounding one's self with people who are loyal, trustworthy and positive thinkers is of utmost importance. As a novice starting out, advice from those who have gone before, should be sought out and taken very seriously. After all the advice and study of good management principles has been considered, it is most important to place considerable, if not the greatest, emphasis on one's own instincts.