Save the dates for 2026:
17 - 22 January
25 - 30 January 2025
San Francisco, California, US

Thank you for joining us in San Francisco

SPIE Photonics West 2025 was another full week! The event provided opportunities to reconnect with colleagues, enjoy lively conversations, learn about the latest breakthroughs, and establish important new connections. Attendees came to hear cutting-edge research in biomedical optics, biophotonics, industrial lasers, optoelectronics, microfabrication, displays, quantum technologies, and more.

Save the dates for the next SPIE Photonics West:
17 - 22 January 2026

BiOS Expo: 17 - 18 January
NEW - Vision Tech Expo: 20 - 22 January
Quantum West Expo: 20 - 22 January
Photonics West Exhibition: 20 - 22 January

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A full and rewarding week

Enjoy seeing the photos, articles, and highlights from the conference, four exhibitions, courses, and networking events.

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100 technical conferences with more than 5,000 presentations

Advance your skills; advance your career

Plan to take a course from an expert

Course offerings will give you the technical training you need to excel in your field. Choose from more than 50 courses in San Francisco during SPIE Photonics West. Adding a course to your registration adds to your entire event experience.

Discover the companies that exhibit in San Francisco

Four major exhibitions

Explore the companies that exhibit at the SPIE Photonics West Exhibition, BiOS Expo, and Quantum West Expo. These leading companies are providing new capabilities and innovative products to help move your projects forward. Plus, don't forget to visit exhibitors at the co-located SPIE AR | VR | MR Exhibition.

Co-located events in 2025

NEW in 2025—A Celebration of Women in Optics

This one-day event, held at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis, will include keynotes, panels, and networking to celebrate 20 years of our Women in Optics planner. Our distinguished speakers will share their wisdom on superpowers, resilience, building the best teams, and navigating the hidden curriculum. The speakers cover a broad array of careers, from industry to academia and policy to publishing.

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