Director of Industry and External Relations, Applied Optics Group, National Univ. of Ireland, Galway
Country of birth: Ireland
Country of residence: Ireland
Educational background: BS in engineeringA typical day.
My current role involves developing collaborative technology-transfer and research, development, and innovation relationships between a universitybased applied optics research group and industry. Establishing and maintaining relationships with professional societies, industry organizations, science, technology, and innovation agencies, government departments, national and international research institutes, and universities are also part of my remit. I spend approximately 50% of my time on campus with the research group and interacting within the university, and hosting industry visits. The balance of my time is spent with individual companies, industry organizations, and science and technology agencies in Ireland, Europe, and internationally.
What I enjoy most.
My current role provides me with a unique opportunity to integrate and apply the multidisciplinary skill-set that I acquired throughout a varied career in industry and academia. I established this role approximately three years ago, and it is constantly evolving. Each day continues to be most interesting and rewarding!
Words of wisdom.
The importance of communication skills in the workplace can never be understated. Developing and maintaining good interpersonal relationships within your employer's organization and partner organizations, as well as with customers, suppliers, etc., is key to individual and organizational success.