Join us in Vancouver, B.C. in 2026!
15-19 February
16 - 20 February 2025
San Diego, California, US

An invitation to participate in SPIE Medical Imaging 2025

Consider joining your peers in San Diego next February

Prepare and present your latest research at the 2025 meeting

SPIE Medical Imaging is the right choice for your next conference. You’ll experience five full days of programming which include four days of technical presentations, two evening symposium poster sessions, plenary and keynote talks, workshops, courses, and networking events that will bring the community together again in sunny San Diego.

This meeting is the internationally recognized forum for reporting state-of-the-art research and development in medical imaging. The event focuses on the latest innovations found in underlying fundamental scientific principles, technology developments, scientific evaluation, and clinical application. The symposium covers the full range of medical imaging modalities focusing on image acquisition, display, processing, analysis, perception, decision support, and informatics.

Come share with—and learn from—world experts, researchers, and innovators discussing advancements in image processing, physics, computer-aided diagnosis, perception, image-guided procedures, biomedical applications, ultrasound, informatics, radiology, and digital pathology. The conference topics include an increased focus on fast emerging areas such as deep learning, AI, machine learning, and information fusion. 

We hope you will consider joining your community in San Diego.

Until then—with much anticipation and appreciation,

SPIE Medical Imaging Symposium Chairs

Joseph Lo

Carl E. Ravin Advanced Imaging Labs.,
Duke Univ. School of Medicine
(United States)

Cristian A. Linte

Carlson Ctr. for Imaging Science,
Rochester Institute of Technology
(United States)

Executive Organizing Committee

Shiva Abbaszadeh, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz (United States)
Mark Anastasio, Univ. of Illinois (United States)
Susan Astley, The Univ. of Manchester (United Kingdom)
Christian Boehm, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
Jovan Brankov, Illinois Institute of Technology (United States)
Olivier Colliot, Ctr. National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
Barjor Gimi, Univ. of Massachusetts Chan Medical School (United States)
Andrzej Krol, SUNY Upstate Medical Univ. (United States)
Ke Li, Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (United States)
Mohammad Mehrmohammadi, Univ. of Rochester (United States)
Jhimli Mitra, GE Healthcare (United States)
Maryam Rettmann, Mayo Clinic (United States)
John Sabol, Konica Minolta Healthcare Americas, Inc. (United States)
Jeffrey Siewerdsen, The Univ. of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr. (United States)
John Tomaszewski, Univ. at Buffalo (United States)
Aaron Ward, The Univ. of Western Ontario (Canada)
Axel Wismüller, Univ. of Rochester Medical Ctr. (United States)
Shandong Wu, Univ. of Pittsburgh (United States)