7 - 11 April 2024
Strasbourg, France
Social and Networking Event
Lunch & Learn: Creating Inclusive Workplaces
10 April 2024 • 12:00 - 13:00 CEST | Galerie De Landsberg, Niveau/Level 01 
Join us for a lunchtime panel discussion on how we can foster inclusive and equitable workplaces. Our panelists will detail their experiences as women working in the field of optics and photonics and share takeaways from these experiences. We'll ask them to share their advice on to navigate your career and how we can all work together to build the inclusive and equitable workplaces we need.


Jessica Wade
Imperial College London


Agnes Hübscher
Edmund Optics

Anna Mignani
Institute of Applied Physics "Nello Carrara"

Anna Grazia Mignani, a physicist by training, is Research Director at CNR, the National Research Council of Italy, where she has worked since 1984. Her work started with designing and experimenting fiber optic sensors and networks for temperature and vibration monitoring, then continued with spectroscopy-based sensors for environmental applications, especially for water monitoring. Her most recent activity focuses on spectroscopy for food applications, especially for multi-analysis of safety, quality, and nutraceutic indicators by means of a single light shot and multivariate processing of spectroscopic data. Her work has been funded by European and national research grants on applied optical sensing, and she holds several US and EU patents. She has been visiting laboratories in Belgium, Ireland and PR China, and serves international funding agencies as an expert evaluator, project reviewer, and advisor. She is an SPIE Fellow, and served the SPIE Board of Directors for the 2016-2018 term.
From 2017 to 2022 she was seconded in Bruxelles as National Expert at the European Research Council Executive Agency of the European Commission, in the teams of "Systems and Communication Engineering", "Condensed Matter Physics" and “Synergy” panels. She enjoys extreme sports, especially helicopter skiing, deep diving, and parachuting, which makes the adrenalin flow as fast as light.

Hamideh Salehi
University of Strasbourg

Hamideh SALEHI accumulated significant knowledge in the field of biomedical imaging through a bachelor's degree in laser physics, a master's degree in photonics and a second master's degree in mechanical engineering and materials, and a university thesis in Raman imaging for biomedical applications. Following her thesis, she joined the University of California as a post-doctoral researcher. During her thesis and post-doctorate, she developed her Raman microscopy methods, in particular for cellular imaging, with several cancer, stem cell and virology research groups. She obtained her HDR (habilitation to supervise research) following her leading role in the co-direction of several university thesis. As associate professor at University of Strasbourg , The Engineering school of Télécom physique Strasbourg she will contribute to the teaching and development of the IRIV (Images, Robotics and Engineering for Life) master's and engineering students' curriculum. As a member of the ICube laboratory's IPP team (Photonics Instrumentation and Processes), she will contribute to the development of the health technology axis through innovative research.<


Event Details

FORMAT: Panel discussion with live audience Q&A.
MENU: Boxed meal service for the first 40 attendees with gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegetarian options available.
SETUP: Round tables with approximately 8 chairs per table.