Registration payments:
If you are planning to register onsite, please do so at the Need to Register laptop station
- Your credit card payment will be processed during registration.
- If you wish to pay with cash or check, you will be directed to the Cashier after you have completed registration.
If you have already registered and wish to add a course, workshop, or special event, you may do this online after you login to your SPIE account.
Receipt and Certificate of Participation
Preregistered attendees who need an SPIE-stamped receipt or any attendee who needs a Certificate of Participation may obtain them at the Cashier.
Badge Corrections
Badge corrections can be made at the Cashier. Please remove your badge from its holder and mark your badge with the necessary changes before approaching the counter.
Speaker Check-in and Preview Station
Location: Gaylord Palms, Gainesville, Ballroom Level
Open during registration hours
All speakers must stop at Speaker Check-In to upload and preview their slide presentation files at least two hours before their scheduled session, or the day before if you present in the first session of the next day. Speakers are not able to present using their own devices. All conference rooms are equipped with a laptop, projector, screen, lapel microphone, and laser pointer.
SPIE will record the audio and screen content of all presentations.
Recordings will be published in the Proceedings of SPIE on the SPIE Digital Library.
Internet Access
Complimentary WiFi access is provided in meeting rooms, conference room level lobbies, and in the exhibition hall. Instructions will be posted onsite.
SPIE Conference App Information
Location: Gaylord Palms, City Hall Lobby, Ballroom Level
Our SPIE App developer will be onsite and available to answer any questions to get the best user experience. We welcome your feedback.
This useful tool allows you to search and browse the program, special events, participants, exhibitors, courses, and more. It is free and available for iPHone and Android users. If you don't already have the app you can download it here:
Download the SPIE App.
SPIE Bookstore
Location: Gaylord Palms, Exhibition Hall
Tuesday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Stop by the SPIE Bookstore to browse the latest SPIE Press Books. While there, get a t-shirt or educational toy to bring home to the family.
Credit and debit cards only; no cash.
SPIE Course Materials
Location: Gaylord Palms, Hall C Lobby, Exhibition Level
Open during registration hours
Browse course offerings or learn more about SPIE courses available in portable formats such as online and customizable, in-company courses.
SPIE Luggage and Coat Check
Complimentary luggage, package, and coat storage is available in the hotel lobby.
Onsite Parking
Show your conference badge to the Gaylord Palms parking attendant to receive a 30% discount ($26.60 instead of $38 per day) to self-park.
Business Center and FedEx Office
Location: Gaylord Palms, Mezzanine Level
Daily 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Printing services available.
Services also include photocopying, faxing, and shipping. Office supplies available.
Child Care Services
Kid's Nite Out 1-800-696-8105
Offers in-room sitter services and more.
SPIE does not imply an endorsement nor recommendation of these services. They are provided on an “information only” basis for your further analysis and decision. Other services may be available.
Did you know SPIE offers Family Care Grants to SPIE member? For more information on deadlines and how to apply check the details here.
Gender Inclusive Restrooms
Gender neutral restrooms available. Location: Hall A Lobby, Exhibition Level
Quiet Room
Location: Gaylord Palms Hotel and Convention Center, St. George 104
Open during registration hours
The Quiet Room is intended for silent meditation, reflection, or prayer. No mobile device or computer use or food/beverages are allowed.
Lost and Found
Location: SPIE Cashier (Gaylord Palms,Hall D Lobby, Exhibition Level)
Open during registration hours
Found items will be kept at the SPIE Cashier and is only available during registration hours. At the end of the meeting, all found items will be turned over to hotel security.
Food and Beverage Services
Concessions: Exhibition Hall B
Tuesday and Wednesday, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Thursday, 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Complimentary Coffee:
Sunday, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM, City Hall Lobby
Monday, 7:15 AM - 4:00 PM, City Hall Lobby
Tuesday and Wednesday, 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM, City Hall Lobby
Tuesday and Wednesday, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Exhibition Hall
Thursday, 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM, City Hall Lobby
Thursday, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Exhibition Hall
Thursday, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, City Hall Lobby