7 - 10 April 2025
Prague, Czech Republic

Optics + Optoelectronics registration information

Find the details you need for successful registration

Register now for the 2025 meeting and free exhibition

Event Partners s.r.o.
Ryzlinková 2227/2a
182 00 Prague 8 – Liben
Czech Republic

Phone: +420 224 262 109
Fax: +420 226 531 809
Email: support@conference.cz

See below for details of what's included with registration, pricing, and for information on SPIE membership, and more.

There are two registration groups: those attending the technical programme and/or exhibitions and those working as booth staff for an exhibiting company. Please follow the instructions below.

All persons attending the programme and/or exhibition for SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics: 

General Registration

In case of any difficulties while completing the online registration, those paying via bank transfer, or administrators registering one or more people, or if you need an invoice: Download the PDF registration form



Booth Staff registration 
Booth staff personnel for exhibiting companies:

Exhibitor Registration

Visa information Visa information ...
Event policies Event policies ...

Registration fees in euro

Registration fees increase by €170 after 21 March 2025.

SPIE Member Nonmember
Speaker or author, programme committee, session chair €660 €830
Student €250 €830

Registration fees in US dollars

Registration fees increase by $170 after 21 March 2025.

SPIE Member Nonmember
Speaker or author, program committee, session chair $695 $880
Student $260 $880

What is included with registration

             Full registration

Booth Staff

Exhibition visitor
All presentations, plenaries, and special events, and poster sessions
50 proceedings downloads from this event*  
Welcome Reception**

*Proceedings are fully published on the SPIE Digital Library six weeks after the event; SPIE will email instructions at this time.
**Guest admission tickets for the Welcome Reception can be purchased separately.

Special event pricing

Pricing for add-on events All attendees - Euro and US
Welcome Reception Guest Tickets €60 / $60
Daily Lunches (cost each day)
€28 / $30

These can be added when registering for the meeting. Space may be limited, so purchase early.

SPIE Membership discounts

SPIE Members and SPIE Student Members receive special rates for conference registration. Discounts are applied at the time of registration.

SPIE Student Member registration rates are available only to undergraduate and graduate students who have not yet received their PhD or MD. Post-docs may not join SPIE as a Student Member.

Not an SPIE Member? Purchase Membership with your registration and receive your discount right away. Or contact membership@spie.org for more information.

Family care while attending the meeting

SPIE believes that individuals with significant caregiving responsibilities should have an equal opportunity to share their research and participate in conferences and symposia.

SPIE Family Care Grants are designed to supplement caregiving costs incurred by SPIE Early Career Members who are registered to attend an SPIE meeting. See hotel details in the reservation system to find hotels that offer onsite childcare. 

Find information and apply for an SPIE Family Care Grant

Press registration

For credentialed press and media representatives only. Please email contact information, title, and organization to media@spie.org

Refund information

There is a €75 service charge for processing refunds for conference or course registrations. Requests for refunds must be received by 21 March 2025; all registration fees will be forfeited after this date. Membership dues and special events are not refundable.

US Government credit cards

US Government credit card users: have your purchasing officer contact the credit card company and get prior authorization before attempting to register. Advise your purchasing agent that SPIE is considered a 8398 company for authorization purposes.

Contact SPIE Customer Service

Email: customerservice@spie.org
Phone: +1 360 676 3290 or +1 888 504 8171
Fax: +1 360 647 1445

Hours of operation:
8:00 AM–5:00 PM PT, Monday–Friday

Universal time:
15:00–01:00 November–March
14:00–00:00 April–October