Scalable approaches to quantum information
Mukund Vengalattore, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (United States)
Science Harnessing unique attributes of quantum systems such as entanglement, quantum parallelism, and measurement backaction for computation and modeling of complex systems has been a decades-long grand challenge of the quantum community. Despite substantial progress in this direction, attaining computational quantum advantage for DoD-relevant problems has remained elusive. One of the key stumbling blocks has been inadequate scalability of quantum computing architectures and the exorbitant resource overhead required for conventional paradigms of quantum state preparation, error correction, and fault tolerance. I will overview ongoing efforts within the DARPA Defense Sciences Office (DSO) to develop scalable approaches to dense qubit encoding, resource-efficient forms of error correction, and the creation of novel quantum many-body states of computational or metrological utility.
Mukund Vengalattore joined DARPA in May 2022 as a program manager in the Defense Sciences Office. His interests include harnessing principles of quantum science and non-equilibrium quantum dynamics to create new capabilities in the broad areas of quantum-enhanced sensors; positioning, navigation and timing (PNT); quantum information science and related quantum technologies. Prior to joining DARPA, Dr. Vengalattore was in the physics department at Cornell University where he led an experimental research program in the areas of ultracold quantum gases, optomechanics and hybrid quantum systems. His work includes the use of quantum measurement backaction to create novel forms of quantum behavior, 'noise-engineering' techniques to enhance the sensitivity and coherence of quantum sensors, and the creation and study of robust out-of-equilibrium states of matter in isolated quantum systems.
This keynote is part of the Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications XII conference.
Event Details
FORMAT: Presentation followed by audience Q&A.MENU: Coffee, decaf, and tea will be available in the exhibition area.
SETUP: Classroom and theater style seating.